Easily add automation to your product
Embed Zapier to unlock the power of automation for your entire user base.
Put automation at their fingertips
Provide a seamless end-to-end experience that makes it easy for your users to access and build new workflows.
Increase customer stickiness
Cut down on context-switching. Keep users engaged within your app's interface by offering relevant, pre-built workflows.
Expand connectivity
Enable your users to connect with thousands of apps, leading to higher customer retention and increased lifetime value.
Create a seamless workflow experience
Maximize user adoption by embedding the complete Zapier experience into your product with just three lines of code. Users can easily discover, create, and edit their Zaps without leaving your app.
Best for partners who want to pull all of Zapier's embed solutions into their product—no API required.
When Zapier partners use an embed tool, more customers use their integration
Ask us which option is best for your product.